Probably my single most favourite New Order Record… conveniently transferred to cassette, into compact disc and eventually in a digital file we all know as the mp3. My single most favourite New Order Record… and fitting for the days events so far. Uh.. no. Not that. We are quite well.
Over the past few days, while contemplating the need to establish a permanent location in Guatemala City, we have realized that if we are to stay at the hotel for several more days while this process is review, that we should upgrade our room to something with a little more space. It wasn’t so much that our room was too small… as it was not large enough for us to live comfortably out of suitcases in a hotel. We certainly do not need a huge space as temporary quarters, but a desk with a chair would make the difference in comfort for us.
Today, after a few days of bringing up our needs to the staff, they have graciously moved us to a slightly larger suite, with a larger bed, a desk and chair, ceiling fan and walk out patio with a small but private area to sit and relax in the air. A very nice change for us.
The move to the lower level was effortless. I prepared our bags for the transfer and asked the porter as carefully as I could “¿es mi habitación lista?” (is my suite ready now?). He smiled and responded “momento… momento”. I returned to my previous suite and waited. When the room was prepared, they came and helped me gather our heavy luggage. Its difficult for me…. Spanish… learning it. I want so badly to be able to communicate as effortlessly as possible. I carefully review things that I may need to ask, or need to respond to questions that I assume that will be asked of me, or information that will be told to me. With some degree of apprehension, I try and say as much as I can in Spanish… try, try, try. Of course… its not so easy for me… but I will keep trying.
Meanwhile… in our new temporary quarters, I am growing hungry. However, I am pleased with the relaxing environment of this suite, and its outside access. I will move out there shortly and read – probably after I get some food. I think Iniyal will enjoy the new room… I very much hope she does.

Meanwhile… in our new temporary quarters, I am enjoying the flood of memories provided by a record I have been listening to regularly (though not non-stop- that would be awkward) since sometime in my youth. Movement, New Order.
End Transmission.